martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Galo (Jaime Huerta)

Galo es el seudónimo de Jaime Huerta, periodista y dibujante de profesión, albergó de niño la vocación hacia el dibujo de historietas.Se ha desarrollado en el campo periodístico en prensa radial y en el rubro del dibujo ha efectuado colaboraciones con caricaturas para distintos medios escritos, tanto impresos como virtuales -vía Internet-.

Galo, además, ha recibido algunas distinciones en el rubro de la historieta :

Ganó el 1er.lugar en el 2do.Certamen Nacional de Comics realizado en Santiago, Chile (2000) con su historieta "Huemulin"; por otra parte, obtuvo mención especial por su participación enel Golagha Institute en Teheran, Iran (2001) ; también recibió Mención Honrosa por su ilustración en el 10° Torneo Internacional de caricaturas realizado enDaejeon, Seoul, Korea (2001).En el año 2004 participó como representante de latinoamerica, junto a 7 dibujantes sudamericanos, en la expo de comics realizada en la ciudad de Banja, Luka, en Bosnia Herzegovina 2004 .A su vez, obtuvo distinción 'Premio a la Excelencia' en el 3er.International Cartoon Competition del Googlm China, 2004

Galo is the pseudonym of Jaime Huerta, Chilean cartoonist and journalist.He supports with his jobs (cartoons and interviews) several newspapers, magazines and internet sites.

He won the first prize in the 2nd.National Contest of Comics Chile 2000 with his comics Huemulin.

Besides he had merit honour in the 10° international cartoon contest in Daejeon, Seoul, Korea (2001) as well He had merit honour in the international comics contest of the Golagha Institute en Teheran, Iran (2001) In 2004 year he had a participation likes representative of latinoamerica with others southamerica' cartoonists in the Expo of Comics done of Banja, Luka, en Bosnia Herzegovina 2004 Besides, he was obtain a distinction ' Prize of Excellence' in el 3er.International Cartoon Competition del Googlm China, 2004.

On year 2007 Galo had a participation in 2nd Comic Saloon Chile with some his works in "Great Masters Gallery".Link VideoYouTube here.Also in that year Huemulin character was inclued in "Fame Hall of Comics" in Santiago.Video YouTube here.

On year 2008 Huemulin cartoon was inclued in to Mural of Comics of the Main Library of Santiago, Chile.Video YouTube here.

Since year 2008, Galo is President of filial in Chile of the prestigeous Federation Worldwide of Cartoonists FECO.

Great part of the work of Galo'cartoonist has centred on the development of his principal cartoon "Huemulin"; nevertheless, his participation in international contests of the cartoon has allowed to observe his other creations that, with some brushstrokes, show themselves in the blog " In the shade of The Huemul".

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